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Service houses

At Hafsten Resort we have three service houses that you can use while staying with us, 24 hours a day, anytime. Two on the main campsite and one on the reserve campsite.

At the main campsite you have access to the central and upper service facility. In the central service facility is a large kitchen, common room, dining room, showers and toilets for families. There is also a laundry room where you can wash and dry your clothes and a emptying site for chemical toilets. The upper service facility has showers, toilets, a laundry room and a small kitchen. There is also an emptying area for motorhomes.

For those staying at the reserve campsite, you’ll have access to the service facility called Gläntan. Here you can use showers, toilets, washing machines, dryers and a freezer for your ice packs. Outside the service building there is also a dishwasher and outdoor kitchen under a roof as well as an emptying site for motorhomes.

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