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For families and children For groups and conferences For one person
At Hafsten you can play DiscGolf all year round, by yourself, with friends or family.

DiscGolf is a dynamic outdoor sport that combines elements of traditional golf with the precision of frisbee throwing. Players navigate a course of strategically placed targets, aiming to complete the course in the fewest throws possible. Just like golf, different types of discs are used for various distances and techniques. This sport offers a mix of physical activity, strategy, and exciting competition in scenic surroundings, making it enjoyable for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, DiscGolf provides an engaging, challenging and fun experience for everyone.

Att spela en runda kostar 30 kr. Har du inga egna discar går dessa att köpa i kiosken vid Höghöjdsbanan, aktivitetscentrat eller i receptionen.

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